Monday, March 23, 2009

What Pelosi has been saying...............

Nancy Pelosi: "Rounding Up Illegal Immigrants is Un-American"
by Rich Carroll

Today’s title needs no introduction, but allow me to cast a hook into the river of your mind. There are six important links attached to get you up-to-speed. Please review them.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives of The United States of America said the above to a group of Mexicans this week in California who were protesting being arrested because they were…illegal. The rational mind would think Nancy Pelosi is trying to usurp Yogi Berra as America’s King of Malapropisms, or, she needs to submit herself for random drug testing. The only other school of thought is that the 3rd most powerful Marxist in our government saw her crowd as future voters, and used the White House Cloward-Piven strategy of forcing political change through manufactured crisis, seeking to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government with a flood of impossible demands and pushing us into crisis and economic collapse.

Madame Speaker obviously hasn’t seen the best video ever logically outlining the consequences of a continued flood of illegals into America, but then, like her Marxist regime colleagues, she does not have America in her best interest. Perhaps someone failed to tell Mrs. Pelosi her home state of California was bankrupt BECAUSE of the unabated flood of illegal immigrants? Perhaps she isn’t aware that at the current rate of illegal influx, California will have to build one new elementary school every day just to keep up? Perhaps someone has failed to explain to Mrs. Pelosi the Webster’s definition of the word illegal?

Pelosi, like her other Marxist counterparts now ruining America, never studied Thomas Paine or other members of our founding Republic, for if they did, they would know that their actions today are treasonous and against the will of “we the people.” But then again, the “will of the people” isn’t exactly their plan.

Pelosi, like her thieving, lying peers in Congress and the Senate create diversions to keep Americans from the truth, as in her “un-American” headlines keeping the focus off her lying colleague Chris Dodd and the AIG mess as exposed by Fox News reporter Shep Smith. Eating your own brain might not seem very smart, but that’s how the new Marxist regime stays healthy; destroying the “disease" of morality and conservatism, Christianity and our Constitution. Diverting your attention away from the real Marxist toxic issues makes them seem “concerned” about America’s real interests when indeed they are not. Cramming a non-job producing “stimulus package” down our throats to speed our demise is made even more ridiculous when 13 firms receiving taxpayer bailout money owe back income taxes. Apparently, like cabinet appointees in this mess we call “government,” they're not concerned about dead-beat tax payers as long as conservative America picks up the tab.

Screaming to the media that George Bush is responsible for our current economic crisis takes the Marxist audience away from the real truth: In 1994 the Clinton Administration put in place the “Community Redevelopment Act” to put more people in houses whether they could afford them or not. In 2004, these practices were questioned before Congress by Republicans, but they were greeted with outrage from their Democrat counterparts that the foundation of all this lending to unqualified home buyers was sound. There is nothing “provocative” about this administration anymore. They continue to lie to Americans while putting into place methods to end America’s capitalist system - all under the bigger lie of “transparency,” a fancy word but never implemented. Their intentions are quite clear, and until Americans can once again develop some muscle to fight back the bone and teeth of this great nation will be removed bit-by-bit until we are a 3rd world nation.

Get vicious beginning today. We are at the end of our rope. Yesterday, Speaker Pelosi and her House lackeys passed the civilian national security force bill stating young people will be forced to undertake mandatory national service programs. One other world leader introduced and implemented such a plan. His name was Adolph Hitler.

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

~Thomas Jefferson


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